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for Offices

What does an office need to utilize Pusch Ridge Anesthesia?

We bring all necessary monitors, supplies, pumps, emergency equipment/medications, and emergency oxygen tank. We require that you have a primary source of oxygen, wheelchair, and supply scheduled medications, i.e. versed and ketamine.


How do we initiate anesthesia coverage?

If you are interested in working with Pusch Ridge Anesthesia, please fill out the form here. Provide us with your office name, contact info, and coverage needed and we will get back to you you ASAP. You can also just email us directly at We are happy to schedule an in-person meeting to discuss anesthesia coverage.


How soon are you available? And where in Arizona do you cover?

Typically we have dates available within three to four weeks. Beyond four weeks, we have much more availability. We are willing to start as early or late as you’d like, and are willing to do an occasional Saturday if needed. We cover offices in Tucson, Phoenix, and surrounding areas.


Do you have a time limit? How long can a patient be under anesthesia?

We recommend the procedures stay under or around six hours. The least amount of time under anesthesia is always preferable. In general, the longer the procedure and time under anesthesia, the longer it takes to emerge and recover from anesthesia. This is especially true in the elderly and those with significant medical history.


What is the benefit of intubation?

Nasal Intubation for dental procedures provides a direct conduit from the oxygen source to the lungs. It allows the anesthesia provider to control breathing if needed, it prevents airway obstruction, and prevents aspiration. When using propofol, patients lose airway tone, and because they are laying on their back, they tend to obstruct. This often requires stopping the procedure to provide a chin lift/jaw thrust and repositioning the head and neck. With intubation, this is all avoided providing better operating conditions for the doctor.


Do you do conscious sedation or light anesthesia?

No, we specialize in doing general anesthesia or deep sedation for larger dental procedures, or for patients that did not tolerate oral or conscious sedation. We do not attempt to keep patients responsive under propofol sedation as patients often become disinhibited or unable to respond appropriately.


Do I need a sedation permit?

In Arizona it is required that an office who employs a qualified anesthesia provider must have two providers in the office that have either advanced cardiac life support (ACLS) or an advanced airway course while anesthesia is being administered. The anesthesia provider will count as one provider with ACLS. The office is also required to inform the dental board that you plan to have anesthesia administered in your office, this is a one time affidavit. ACLS can easily be obtained in a single day and courses are offered online. We are happy to provide contact information for various ACLS courses that prior dentists have completed and recommended. Please reach out to us or the dental board with any questions about utilizing anesthesia services in your office. 


Do you bill the office or the patient?

Many offices lump anesthesia fees together with the procedure fees and pay us directly. If you’d prefer to keep it separate, we are happy to discuss the financial agreement and provide an estimate to the patient prior to the procedure. Anesthesia fees are due in full at the conclusion of the procedure prior to discharge. We accept any major credit card, debit card, certified check, or cash. We do not accept personal checks or care credit.



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